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8 Tips Creating a Positive Work Environment

Written by SmartBiz Team | Oct 25, 2019 4:00:00 AM

Happy employees are generally loyal and productive employees. They tend to be more engaged and less stressed than unhappy employees, and they enjoy coming to work each day. Set your company up for success by creating a positive work environment for your staff. Here are eight tips that can help.

1. Create a Comfortable and Safe Setting

Encourage productivity by making sure your employees feel safe and comfortable in their workplace environment. Staff members who feel threatened or vulnerable tend to be less likely to share ideas or collaborate with colleagues. Promote an environment of positivity and tolerance. Post office safety and anti-bullying policies as well as proper workplace procedures where everyone can see them.

Then consider your employees' physical needs by designing a workplace that's comfortable. Supply adjustable standing desks, ergonomic furniture, and natural lighting. Make sure your office is climate-controlled, or take things one step further by allowing each employee to control his or her own climate settings.

Provide flexible workspaces that strike a balance between open, collaborative areas and private offices. When people feel comfortable in their workspaces, they can focus better.

2. Encourage Collaboration and Communication

Communication and teamwork create a sense of community around the office. As a business owner and a leader, clearly communicate office goals and what you expect from employees to eliminate guesswork and surprises. Always be honest, even if the news isn't positive.

Ask your staff to share their ideas and input, as well. When working on a project, recruit everyone's opinions. Stop by employees' desks or shoot them a quick email to solicit one-on-one advice. Or set up meetings to discuss plans and toss ideas around as a group. Have an open-door policy that allows employees to stop by your office any time to express concerns or to brainstorm. Build upon people's ideas rather than shooting them down.

These types of practices will help your employees feel like valued members of your team.

3. Support Good Work-Life Balance

Effective work-life balance helps avoid burnout and stress in the workplace. Foster an environment that acknowledges that people have a life outside work and encourages employees to find this balance.

You might achieve this by allowing staff to work flexible hours or to work remotely once or twice a week. Offer perks such as discounted gym memberships or childcare services in addition to traditional health benefits. Create a space for employees to enjoy a quiet break from time to time. Encourage people to take vacations and personal time.

4. Reduce Stress and Promote Health

Make sure your employees are happy and healthy by taking steps to fin the workplace. Schedule things like monthly in-office massages, yoga classes, or even an office retreat. Make taking breaks every few hours mandatory. Because exercise can be a significant stress-reliever, provide basic workout equipment (such as mats, medicine balls, and stretch bands) for employee use, and allow staff to take 10- to 20-minute walk breaks around the building or at a nearby park. Keep a stash of healthy snacks on hand in the break room.


5. Provide Learning Opportunities

Give your employees the opportunity to enhance their skills and continue their education by offering workplace learning opportunities. Team up with a local college or subscribe to an online program to provide free webinars, workshops, or courses on anything from communication skills to new technologies. This type of professional development not only benefits your employees' careers but also your company's talent pool.

6. Recognize and Reward Hard Work

Keep workplace morale high by making sure your employees know they're appreciated. Acknowledge when someone has done a good job, be it on a simple daily task or in landing a big account. Give praise during staff meetings for recent accomplishments, or pop into an individual's office to deliver a quick, "Great work on that email campaign."

Also have shared goals that everyone works toward.

When the company hits a milestone or a target objective, commemorate it. Whether that means bringing celebratory snacks into the office, taking everyone out to lunch or a sporting event, or letting people leave work early, reward and encourage them to keep up the good work.

7. Show Gratitude and Positivity

There's a difference between rewarding employees and showing gratitude for their work, but both efforts help create a productive work environment. Thank your staff members for their efforts, particularly if they aren't expecting it. Simple acknowledgments such as, "I appreciate the way you patiently handled that challenging customer," can elevate someone's day.

Breed a workplace culture of positivity by greeting everyone with a hello and a smile each day. Post motivational quotes or positive customer feedback in common areas for all to see. Start meetings by sharing good news. Take time to celebrate occasions such as birthdays, engagements, and baby showers.

8. Allow Independence

Trust in your employees, and avoid the urge to micromanage their work. You hired this group of talented people, now you have to let them do their jobs. It's OK to check on progress or provide input as needed without being overbearing. If you're constantly hovering over employees or trying to have a hand in a project's every detail, however, workplace morale and employee retention might take a dive.

By creating a positive work environment, you have a better chance of landing and retaining top-quality talent and building a cohesive and productive team. Make sure your employees feel appreciated, comfortable, and respected in the workplace. If they do, they'll be happy to come to work each day and support the organization's shared goals.