March 24, 2022 By Suzanne Robertson

Digital transformation is the new buzzword of the business world, and like any other buzzwords, it’s a bit tricky to grasp. Still, the trend towards the digital is clear - nowadays, there are so many smart tools that can improve one’s business that it's tough to know which to choose!

The use of smart technology can help save time and money and reduce the time employees spend on redundant tasks. Still, when we look at the numbers, we see that only around 7+% of companies managed to undergo complete digital transformation.

Going digital is not always a success for the company - in fact, many digital transformation implementations fail.

So why is digital transformation still so high up on everyone’s list of priorities?

In all fairness, when it’s done right, digital transformation comes with a multitude of benefits for both the company and its employees. Moving forward, business processes are going to be more tech-oriented until we reach a point of no return to the non-digital ways of doing things.

Digital Transformation vs Digital Adoption

One of the main reasons digital transformation implementation fails is the way the implementation is carried out.

In many situations, the management pays attention to the technology and how it can be used to optimize workflows but it forgets to get the employees involved. As a result, employees fail to understand the very systems put in place to help them.

The solution to this problem came under the shape of Digital Adoption Platforms (DAPs). These are software platforms designed to help organizations and users engage with technology and get a better understanding of how digital transformation can improve a wide range of business processes.

DAPs help rethink how learning is done in an organization and help save time with onboarding and retraining. DAPs are not designed as a replacement to interactive training provided by experts, but they do help provide detailed tutorials and give users a sense of what’s going on with various systems.

You can find both business-to-business and business-to-consumer platforms. Still, not all solutions are built the same, so each organization needs to find the best for its needs. The search process can be a bit confusing, so if you’re looking for the best Digital Adoption Platform for your business, here are 11 options to try!

How Does DAP Work for Small Businesses?

Even small businesses have to worry about digital adoption and resistance to change. Whether you own an e-commerce business or you have several brick-and-mortar stores, the digital age will push you towards change.

Digital transformation for small and medium-sized businesses may be a bit easier compared to what a large corporation has to go through. However, resistance to change is possible (and likely) in all types of organizations but digital adoption plays a crucial role.

DAPs use smart algorithms powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to customize the learning process based on an individual’s needs.

Here are a few ways a DAP can help promote digital adoption:

  • Automate employee onboarding or certain repetitive aspects of the process.
  • Collect and analyze usage data to provide the organization with a sense of understanding when it comes to people’s reactions towards the system.
  • Help users get answers and support without waiting for input from a superior.
  • Provide on-the-job and in-app training.

DAPs work in a similar fashion to customer feedback tools. In addition to helping users get accustomed to the new technologies, DAPs also gather data and compile reports for the management.


Use DAPs to Lay the Foundation for Success

Employees are the living, breathing force behind your organization’s success, and technology, regardless of how smart, is only a way to encourage productivity and support creativity. That’s why we need DAPs to mitigate the transformation process.

Create a Culture of Acceptance

Before anything else, businesses have to pay attention to their people’s needs, starting with education. New technologies are not always intuitive and the benefits are not always obvious to someone who is used to doing things a certain way.

Keep in mind that employees don’t have the advantage of seeing the big picture (something that’s usually reserved for the executive tier of any business).

For a smooth transition, the management needs to be open about what’s going to change and how it will impact the workforce.

It also helps to explain why these changes are necessary, how they will help make things better for both the CEO and Mary in Accounting and how to deal with the initial discomfort.

When you’re straightforward with your employees and promote preparation through education, the initial fear will soon be replaced by excitement.

Drive Innovation at the Right Speed

As business technology changes at a dizzying pace, so does the training methodology. Organizations no longer have to do things in a specific order.

Due to advanced DAPs, you can start your digital transformation and have the right training program in place to upskill your employees on the new technologies you’ll be using.

Businesses no longer need to rush through innovation only to reach a point where you can’t move forward because the training program isn’t catching up.

DAPs help organizations everywhere rethink their implementation speed and the way the information is disseminated at an internal level.

The right DAP helps reduce the burden put on IT support, which can be quite heavy during such massive changes.

Key Takeaways

While the process of digital transformation implementation may require funds from a long-term business loan, it is worth the effort. However, if you want the implementation to succeed, you will need a DAP to help out with the process.

DAPs help lower user resistance to change and allow them to gradually get used to new technology that may seem scary at first. Due to data collection and analysis, the system provides management with deep insight into what works and why.



About the Author

Jess is precisely what she was born to be - a growth hacker. She helps SaaS companies grow their inbound leads through lean marketing strategies focusing on content marketing and advertising. It's perfect because it combines two things she loves best - writing & growth!