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Benefits of Cloud Software for Small Businesses

Written by SmartBiz Team | Jul 20, 2020 4:00:00 AM

The latest Cloud technology has brought exciting new opportunities for small businesses to compete on a global scale. With innovative products that deliver storage, software, and infrastructure through the cloud, enterprises can minimize their IT costs.

Monthly or annual rates set by cloud service providers can also help you avoid unexpected costs such as emergency server repairs.

Everything from PBX to accounting and project management tools goes through the cloud.

You should be able to equip your small business with features that only large corporations could afford in the past.

This article should help you learn more about the benefits that cloud computing offers for your business.

The Cloud For A Small Business

The cloud has opened quite a few doors in the small business sector, providing the ability to perform massive information processing tasks for companies of all sizes.

The myriad ways in which companies are exploiting the potential of the cloud speak for the universality of the technology.

These are some of the most prominent ways that companies can benefit from cloud technology.

Scaling Infrastructure

Scaling cloud-based infrastructure is one of the fastest-growing cloud technology applications.

For example, web commerce has an unpredictable load on servers, and an unexpected surge in popularity has the potential to overload traditional servers, disabling client access at the most critical moment.

When scaling up to cloud infrastructure, failover systems can automatically start if the host server is overloaded.

What advantages does your small business have? Cloud data infrastructure is efficient, inexpensive, and responsive.

By paying for only the server load you need, your data management costs can be scaled up beneficially to provide the most cost-effective solution for small businesses. This technology has made paying for mass local server space an outdated practice.

Cloud-Based Office Systems

If your business is still sending document files back and forth via email, moving to a cloud-based platform such as G Suite can dramatically improve efficiency.

Cloud-based office platforms, like Microsoft Office 365 and Google's G Suite, provide better support for group projects than traditional software, allowing multiple users to work simultaneously, with all changes reflected in real-time on an unlimited number of devices.

What advantages does your small business have? Live documents in cloud-based office systems instantly reflect changes made by all users, enabling you to change the way employees work together.

Once staff have learned how to use these digital workspaces it also significantly reduce IT professional responsibilities for infrastructure management, freeing up time, and resources for large-scale projects such as data analysis. However this is a key step.

Staff need to be comfortable with the infrastructure and understand how to use it before they are put onto a new system. Training them up and offering support is key to making sure that it goes smoothly when you roll something out. The classic example of this is sharepoint which many staff find confusing. Be sure to include something in your budget for roll out help and consultancy there are plenty of training providers who can help with this.

Remote Workspaces

Cloud office systems also manage location-independent office environments. The ability to collaborate through cloud services enables employees to work flexibly and remotely or continue projects while on business trips and at conferences. Other cloud services, such as Skype, support open lines of communication between collaborating groups and managers, make online presentations and discussions possible.

What benefits your small business can get: It helps companies to get around the many costs associated with having jobs. Cloud technology also breaks down the social barriers for people with small children or disabilities, providing the basis for a more inclusive workforce.

It was estimated that in 2020 almost three-quarters of the workforce would be working remotely, which will radically change the business infrastructure.

By implementing remote workspace opportunities now, your business can outperform the competition.

Big Data Analytics

In 2018, more and more small businesses were beginning to use big data. Cloud computing gives them the computing power they need to organize and use large volumes of data.

Many small business owners overestimate the technical challenges associated with analyzing big data. However, it will be worth the effort.

Being able to make better decisions based on client data has significant advantages, such as more timely delivery of more relevant information to the client base or adaptation to clients in real-time wishes and needs.

What advantages does your small business get? More companies are turning their attention to convenient data analysis interfaces, bypassing the many costs associated with analyzing such large volumes of information.

Open-source platforms like Hadoop and HPCC put these tools in the hands of small businesses and facilitate cloud computing for heavy loads.

For permanent cloud computing, experts recommend around 500 Mbps. It allows small businesses to invest in higher Internet speeds compared to relatively inefficient investments in server capacity and hardware, which can save money and bring success in the long term.

Backups And Recovery

Information security remains a major obstacle for small businesses. Threats are rapidly evolving, and complete protection of critical infrastructure often exceeds the capabilities of a small IT department.

According to a 2017 study by the Business Improvement Bureau, just 35% of businesses mentioned that they would be able to stay profitable for more than three months if they lost critical data access.

The benefits for a small business: Cloud storage helps address security concerns by embedding redundancy in the company's approach to information management.

Also, Hybrid systems that back up local data to the cloud in real-time protect against security breaches, enabling companies to reduce dependency on physical infrastructure and manual backups.


How Can Your Small Business Benefit From Cloud Technology?

Big and small businesses have a history of adapting to new technology environments, and cloud technologies are no different.

As some of the benefits I have described above show, cloud technology can improve the storage and security of information and how we work with each other and the accuracy we make in business decisions. Here are a few more benefits of cloud software:

Recover From Problems Quicker

The security and safety of your business data are paramount for any business. However, mistakes and problems do happen, and it's essential to be able to recover from them quickly. Cloud software allows you to do this by making backup recovery a much smoother process.

Keep Software Updated

If you want to increase safety and reduce errors, the software must always be up to date. If your small business uses cloud software, it is easier because all software comes with automated updates. The supplier will take care of this for you, allowing you to focus on other issues.

Improve Your Collaboration Capabilities

According to research, collaboration can increase productivity by more than 40%. With cloud computing, it's easier to collaborate.

Cloud computing software makes it easy to share, manage workflows, and integrate data from multiple sources.

Your employees will have more opportunities for information and access. It can help them do their jobs better, become more creative, and identify problems faster.

There are also many online professional development courses that you and your employees can do to improve your skills.

Control Your Data And Who Has To Access To It

Interestingly, cloud software for small businesses can improve data, especially control over documents. You can better control who has access to what data. When everything is centralized, it's harder to lose it or misuse it.

It should also make it easier for you to be more transparent because you don't have to worry about the data being lost, or being accessed or managed by the wrong people.

Provide More Flexibility To Your Business

One of the major advantages of cloud software is its flexibility. The cloud does not tie you or your small business to one place.

You can do business around the world. This flexibility will also help increase employee satisfaction and productivity. You can keep in touch or benefit from the expertise of talented people from around the world.

Enjoy Better Service And Support

The truth is that most software solutions based on cloud computing offer better service and support for small businesses.

If IT infrastructure is not for you, you can be sure that your service provider will resolve the problems you face.

It means that often you can solve problems without having to solve them at all - your service provider will review the issues for you and help you find out what the problem was.

Become More Sustainable

The use of cloud-based software can improve a small business's eco-efficiency. Since the world needs to take climate change more seriously, companies should do their best.

The good thing about cloud software and technology is that you are already doing so. You are only using what you need in terms of energy, and you are also reducing the need to print paper versions, for example, for accessibility reasons.

Better Output And Automation

Cloud computing brings better automation to small businesses, giving them a chance to improve their performance. As a good example of what this means, think about how automation has helped manufacturers significantly increase output while reducing other costs.

In particular, car manufacturers have proven that by automating repetitive tasks, they can reduce errors and improve quality. Now cloud computing can do the same for your small business.

Also, Automating digital tasks eliminates redundant data entry time, reduces errors, and saves you time.

It is why you have a good chance to grow your business without expanding your payroll. Previously, only large businesses could afford this technology. Now it is available to everyone through the cloud.

Moving To The Cloud Is The Key To Business Success

It can increase productivity, save money, and improve security, level the playing field, and help each company gain a competitive edge over competitors.

Whether it's social media management, recruitment, or human resources in general, cloud computing can help your small business.

The initial costs won't break the bank, and you'll soon notice that your business will still save a lot of money.

In Conclusion

Moving your business operations to a cloud can seem daunting. However, the benefits of cloud-based software are so apparent that every company should make the transition!

Your company's social network accounts are running in the cloud, and you are likely even to control your finances in an online banking system that is in the cloud.

The technology world is continuously changing, and it can be difficult and expensive for small businesses to keep up with them.

Cloud computing may seem like just another price to pay, but the reality is that it is different. It is because the cloud is already everywhere.

Simply explore the options available, understand your specific software needs, and find the right products and services.


About the Author

Mike M. is a digital enthusiast and cloud software specialist from the Development Academy.