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How To Use Instagram Live for Your Business Effectively: 4 Main Ideas

Written by SmartBiz Team | Nov 29, 2021 5:00:00 AM

You’re missing out on a lot if you aren’t already using Instagram® Live to grow your business. Instagram is one of the most used social media platforms, and it gives your business a lot of exposure. Instagram Live is one of the best features of Instagram for business. If you haven’t been using it or don’t know how to use it, here are four main ideas for you to use it.

Use incentives to entice potential viewers

You need to give your viewers a reason to join your Live broadcast. So you should offer them a reward for tuning in to your Instagram Live. What reward you should offer your client is something you must think about before going Live.

According to a small business writer, you have several tactics to offer incentives to your potential Instagram Live viewers. Some of these are:

  • Scarcity: this strategy is about creating urgency. Suggest that you only have a few spots left, or you have a prize for the first ten people who join, this will develop a sense of urgency in your audience that makes them motivated to tune in.
  • Disappearing incentives: this is a similar strategy to scarcity. However, in this strategy, you are creating a deadline for people that want to redeem a freebie or a prize that you’re offering. With deadlines, people get plenty of time and opportunity to win giveaways, sweepstakes, and other freebies that are up for grabs in your Live session.
  • Live Q & A: this allows your viewers to ask questions about your business. You also get to answer these questions in real-time instead of giving pre-recorded answers to these questions, which tend to be less interactive and engaging.

Pre-broadcast promotion

One of the best ways to make Instagram Live more effective for your business is to promote it. There’s no rule against promoting your Instagram Live sessions ahead of time. This is an ideal way to raise awareness in your followers and potential viewers about the upcoming broadcast. So you can create Instagram posts about it and even create posts on other social media platforms to promote it. It doesn’t matter if you’re creating your assets from scratch or using pre-made assets from other resources such as Canva® ; some of the essentials that you post should contain are:

  • What
  • When
  • Where
  • Why
  • How

Repurpose your Live videos in Highlights and Stories

Since you’re using one Instagram feature to promote yourself, it makes sense to use many available features together. This allows you to stop promoting and instead focus solely on holding a Live session. What happens afterward? Nothing?

You can still take advantage of your Instagram Live session after you’ve ended the broadcast. After finishing your Live video, you can direct your future viewers to the broadcast by repurposing the video as your Instagram Highlight or Instagram Story.

With Instagram Stories, you only have 24 hours before it disappears from Instagram forever, but with Highlight, you have something that can remain on Instagram for as long as you wish. You’ll have the ability to add your Live video to a previous one or create a new Highlight.

If you need to pull the link for your Instagram Story, here’s how to go about it:

  • Click on the three dots at the bottom right of your screen.
  • Click the “Copy Highlight Link” option.
  • Use the link for other tactics such as texting, emailing, etc.

Create SMART goals

According to Matt Fischer, a social media writer, one of the best ways to make the most of your Instagram Live sessions is to create a series of goals. These are SMART goals. The key features of your goals which make them SMART goals are: Specificity, Measurability, Attainability, Relevance, and Timeliness. When you create your goals, putting these features in mind ensures that you remain on track and can effectively promote your business through Instagram Live. Some other things of note:

  • Make sure that goals are detailed and focus on those elements that you want to achieve with your Live sessions on Instagram.
  • Measure the number of viewers and followers you want your Instagram Live video to reach and attract.
  • Create goals that are realistic. Understandably, you want to dream big, but you must know the reasonable limits to goals that you can reach and achieve.
  • Make sure that your goals matter to your company and you.
  • When creating your goal, make sure that you have a deadline as well to achieve this goal. Think about how long it will take you to achieve them as well, and set a reasonable deadline.

Setting SMART goals is essential to using Instagram Live effectively for your business. They act as the roadmap guiding your live broadcast to your viewers and followers for your business.


Instagram is an essential tool for businesses to promote their brand and product offerings, but many businesses don’t know that they can use Instagram Live to achieve the same purpose. Explore your budget and social media options so you make the right choice for your specific business.


About the Author

Justin Osborne is an essay writer, he loves to share his thoughts and opinions about education, writing and blogging with other people on different blogs and forums. Currently, he is working as a content marketer at lab report writer.